There was a time when the marketing function in professional services firms was simple and straightforward: Decide on what conferences to attend and which local events to sponsor; agree on new technical thought leadership or update the original information; agree to host in-house educational events; and maybe produce some new collateral materials.
While these elements are still important, marketing communications in modern professional services firms are somewhat different.
Annette works with firms to create a marketing strategy that delivers:
Clear market positioning that resonates with clients, differentiates the firm from competitors and substantiates its expertise.
A growth strategy that includes a well-defined and well-researched target group of clients.
The right mix of traditional and online marketing techniques.
A one-firm agenda with a team structure that facilitates building the firm’s reputation and expertise through both traditional and online outlets.
Training for internal teams on the firm’s marketing strategy, how the tactics employed work together, and how to drive prospects through the sales pipeline.